Monday, May 11, 2009

Wold's dest Mom

There were two day every year when the local playground/park is full of dads and kids :
1. Mother's Day
2. Father's Day

I always thought that was funny - what better Mother's Day gift than a little alone time, and Hey Kids!  It's Father's Day!  Why don't you go do something special with daddy today!  I'll wait here for you...really...go...I'll make due without you...ok, go. now.  

Of course, my favorite is always the homemade cards - I always try to save them, and somewhere is this mess of a house I have them.  Some quote's off my cards this year (copied exactly as printed on the cards by my kids - the knack for spelling is a gift from me):

"Wold's dest Mom"   (World's Best Mom)
"Exelent at makeing dro"  (excellent at making brownies)
"Your nose is like mine"
"Thak you Mom"
"My mom your like mine mouse"  (you're like Minny Mouse)
"Mom what is your favret coler"  (what is your favorite color)

Minny  He didn't explain, but he read it to me with conviction, so I'll take it as a compliment.  Maybe its my big red bow.   As for my famous "dro", I'll have to agree, they are excellent, and they come from a box and there is nothing wrong with that.  The nose thing got me choked up.  It was a conversation with one of my kids so long ago, - I had to pull it out of storage locker in my brain - but I did remember.  I was having some of that great one-on-one time you sometimes get with your kids, this happened to be bed time, when somehow we discovered that we had the same nose.  Squishy on the end, so that if you push it like a doorbell it kind of flattens on your face making you look like a prize fighter.  My husbands nose doesn't do this - when you ring his nose it doesn't squish.  (Ok, who just tried to squish their nose?  You know you did...come on, admit it...ok now leave it alone and you can test your kids noses tomorrow)  So anyway, it was one of those quick, random conversations that just sticks and I'll always remember, and I guess, so will he.  I love that.

There were also some great pictures to go along with this creative writing, and I regret that I am not able to figure out how to show them here.  My youngest  drew a stunning self-portrait  - not an easy task when you are using the oven door as a mirror (while daddy is cooking breakfast  in bed - I am a lucky woman!) to view yourself.  Next to him (presumable standing) is me. leg, to be precise, but cut a kid a break, Rome was not built in a day.  I must say, I do think it is the finest stick-figure drawing of my leg I have ever seen - long, skinny, no spider-viens, and no feet - which is handy because then I don't have to worry about needing a pedicure, like, ever.  I probably could have figured out eventually that it was indeed my leg, but it is always helpful to have  the artist himself explain things.  

 Another one of my cards had a picture of me with, um, a club foot.  Now, one foot is fully formed and apparently functional (perhaps a bit swollen), but I seem to have been in some kind of accident.  In the picture, I don't seem to be worried at all about it, I look like I'm having a good time, so I guess although I have a disability, I have very good coping skills.  Or maybe I'm just in shock, and the gravity of the situation hasn't sunk-in yet.  Either way - I'm having a good hair day in my picture, and some days you can't ask for more than that.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Jon-Paul took Anna to get me some "jewlery" as that is what she wanted to get me for mothers day. However she got distracted by all the other shiny things and Jon-Paul managed to talk her out of the porcelein fairy sitting on a turtle before she settled on an art deco-ish perfume bottle with a bejewled butterfly top. I actually like it a lot! I don't get the cards yet, but hopefully next year!
